
"...very reliable and always goes the extra mile...”read more

"The best thing we ever did was sit the staff down with you..."read more

"...superbly organised, thorough and well thought out."read more

"...the best publication and toolkit I've come across..."read more

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Recent projects

Sustainability on a Shoestring - City of Sydney, Canterbury City Council and Marrickville Council

The councils had run a successful pilot program for low income households as a component of the SAVE (Sustainability Action Values Everyone) program and the wanted to put their learnings into a resource for others to use. The development of a toolkit, flyer and promotional copy involved extensive consultation and distillation of a lot of information into a clear and engaging process. Find out more and view the resources at www.save-program.org.

"The Sustainability on a Shoestring Toolkit has been incredibly well received... It is well structured and easy to use - which is a great achievement given the volume of information that had to be pulled together and made sense of. In fact we were so happy with the toolkit, that we replicated its structure for another SAVE toolkit..." Niki Carey, SAVE Program Manager, City of Sydney.

Staff Engagement for Sustainable Procurement and Waste - Armidale City Bowling Club

Development and delivery of a customised 'Sustainable Procurement and Waste' program incorporating elements of the Sustainability Advantage Supply Chain and Resource Efficiency modules. The project involved research, stakeholder consultation, opportunity review, policy and procedure documentation and staff engagement. Click here for more about the benefits of supply chain management.

"The best thing we ever did was sit the staff down with you for an hour or two." Phil Wheaton, CEO, Armidale City Bowling Club.

Business Waste Resources - Midwaste Regional Waste Forum

The Business Waste Management flyer outlines key steps for good business waste management, highlights the hidden costs of waste, and lists the resources available for assistance. It also includes a list of commercial waste services available in each Council area. This is simple introductory information designed to show that improving waste management in business is worthwhile, that services and help are available, and that it's not hard if done properly. Experience and feedback shows that this information is exactly what many businesses need in order to get started.

The 24pg Business Waste Reduction Toolkit outlines the costs of waste and the waste management hierarchy, and details a 5-step process with tools, templates and case studies to help small businesses reduce waste and save money. This is a more detailed resource while still being a "quick read". The tools and templates are easy to use and electronic versions and fully adaptable to individual needs. It is designed for use by businesses on their own or with support from a waste management specialist.

"I must commend Jem as I found it the best publication and toolkit I've come across for this sector. It is interesting, written in plain English, great references to case studies and facts and the worksheets are well explained and straightforward and all available electronically free of charge!" John Cavanagh, Manager Waste, Health & Regulatory Services, Great Lakes Council.